My Story

At the young age of six, my elementary school Art Teacher noticed potential in me as an Artist. As the only Hard of Hearing student at my school, I knew art would give me a way to express myself and the potential to succeed in life.

In 1998, I began majoring in Computer Science, Web Programming to be exact, at Salem Community College. After a few years, I transffered to Rowan University and changed my major to Graphic Design. At Rowan, I first fell in love with using the mediums, Conte Crayons and Pen & Ink during my Figure Drawing and Illustration classes. Thanks to my professors and my mentor for bolstering my courage to become a professional Artist & Graphic Designer.

I graduated from Rowan University with a Bachelor of Arts degree and later Wilmington University with a Master of Science degree in Informational Systems Technologies in Internet & Web Design.

Fun Facts

Master of Science degree
Bachelor of Arts degree
Beach Lover

Artist's Statement

Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, and Artemisia Gentileschi are three of the most inspirational artists that I adore. Because of them, I have profound love for nature, landscape, color, abstract, and still life works. As an Artist, my styles are expressive and abstract. My favorite mediums include Pen & Ink and Conte Crayons. As an Artist, it is always peaceful and joyful to create a masterpiece with your own hands. I love Art!

As a Graphic Designer, I design Logos, Stationery, Booklets, etc. My goal as a Graphic Designer is to encourage and inspire business owners to establish a brand idenity. As a person with hearing loss, Art gives me the confidence to believe in myself. I convey my own motto,"Art is a Way of Life."